Early Experimental StageThis software is in early development and may have limitations or bugs. Do not use for production.



Complete guide for installing and configuring Pynions on your local machine.


  1. Install Homebrew (if not already installed):
/bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/install/HEAD/install.sh)"
  1. Install Python 3.9+ and Git:
brew install python git
#Verify installations
python3 --version # Should show 3.9 or higher
git --version


  1. Create and activate a virtual environment:
python3 -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate
  1. Install Pynions:
pip install .

The installer will automatically:

  • Create .env from .env.example in your project root
  • Create pynions.json from pynions.example.json in your project root
  1. Configure your API keys:
# Open .env in your favorite editor
nano .env
# Add your API keys:
OPENAI_API_KEY=your_key_here      # Required
SERPER_API_KEY=your_key_here      # Optional, for search
ANTHROPIC_API_KEY=your_key_here   # Optional, for Claude
JINA_API_KEY=your_key_here        # Optional, for embeddings


Common issues:

  • Missing API keys
    • Check if .env exists in your project root
    • Ensure you've added your OpenAI API key
  • Configuration issues
    • Verify pynions.json exists in your project root
    • Check file permissions

Verify Installation

  1. Run test workflow:
# Ensure venv is activated
source venv/bin/activate
# Run example
python examples/serp_analysis.py
  1. Check output:
  • Progress messages should appear
  • Results in data/ directory
  • No error messages
  • Check logs in data/pynions.log

IDE Setup (Cursor)

  1. Download Cursor:

    • Visit https://cursor.sh
    • Download Mac version
    • Install application
  2. Open project:

    • Open Cursor
    • File -> Open Folder
    • Select ~/Documents/pynions
  3. Configure Python interpreter:

    • Click Python version in status bar
    • Select: ~/Documents/pynions/venv/bin/python

Common Issues

Python Version Issues

# Check Python version
python --version
# If needed, specify Python 3 explicitly
python3 --version

Virtual Environment Issues

# Deactivate if already in a venv
# Remove existing venv if needed
rm -rf venv
# Create new venv
python3 -m venv venv
# Activate
source venv/bin/activate

Permission Issues

# Fix venv permissions
chmod +x venv/bin/activate
chmod +x venv/bin/python
# Fix data directory permissions
chmod 755 data

Module Not Found Issues

# Verify virtual environment is activated
which python # Should show: ~/Documents/pynions/venv/bin/python
# Verify installation
pip list
# Reinstall dependencies
pip install -r requirements.txt

API Issues

# Check if environment variables are loaded
python -c "import os; print(os.getenv('SERPER_API_KEY'))"
# Common fixes:
- Check if .env file exists
- Verify API keys are correct
- Remove quotes from API keys
- Ensure .env is in correct location (pynions/config/.env)

Playwright Issues

# Install browsers
playwright install
# If that fails, try with sudo
sudo playwright install
# Verify installation
playwright --version

Development Workflow

  1. Always work with activated virtual environment
  2. Create feature branches for new work:
git checkout -b feature-name
  1. Run tests before committing:
pytest tests/
  1. Follow git workflow:
git add .
git commit -m "Description of changes"

Remember to:

  • Keep config.json in .gitignore
  • Check logs in data/pynions.log for issues
  • Run tests before committing changes
  • Test components in isolation when debugging

Development Tools

Optional but recommended:

  1. HTTPie for API testing:
brew install httpie
  1. jq for JSON processing:
brew install jq
  1. VS Code extensions:
    • Python
    • Python Environment Manager


To update dependencies:

pip install --upgrade -r requirements.txt

To update Playwright:

playwright install

Next Steps

  1. Read Configuration for detailed API setup
  2. Try example workflows in Examples
  3. Check Plugins for plugin usage
  4. See Workflows for creating custom workflows
  5. Review Debugging if you encounter issues
Updated 4 months ago
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